Results Coaching

Results coaching Free to live

Sunita Result Coaching: My Services

As a professional coach, I understand that every individual’s journey is unique.

That’s why I offer various coaching programs tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Explore my programs below to find the perfect fit for you.

My Coaching Approach

We begin by enhancing your self-awareness, identifying values that may be in conflict, and implementing effective changes to transform your life.

I adhere strictly to the Standards and Code of Ethics set by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

When you’re ready to commit time to your personal growth and seek a coach who deeply cares, supports, and possesses profound knowledge, I am here to help. Together, we will transform your blockages, fears, and self-sabotage into freedom, purpose, and fulfillment, empowering you to lead a masterful life.

“If you find someone’s wound, you find their biggest power.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson 

Results Coaching

Together, we will:

  • Uncover Your True Values: Discover the core of who you are, which is essential for living an authentic life in harmony with yourself and the world around you.
  • Transform Sabotage into Positive Energy: We often sabotage ourselves unconsciously, a survival mechanism that inadvertently holds us back. Recognizing and altering these behaviors can significantly shift your life’s trajectory.
  • Release Emotional Blockages and Limiting Beliefs: Emotional blockages, often stemming from past negative or traumatic experiences, can dominate our reactions and perpetuate a state of victimhood, creating anxiety and draining energy. By addressing and transforming these blockages and incorrect belief systems, we unleash a significant amount of trapped energy.
  • Set a Course for Your Success: Develop a tailored plan that incrementally moves you towards your goals, ensuring success without the feeling of being overwhelmed. There’s no greater motivator than achieving success step-by-step.

One-Off Session
with Sunita R. Gerstner

Finding Clarity

Dive into a focused session designed to provide you with clarity and direction.

Ideal for initial exploration of your potential.

Emotional Transformation Package

5 Sessions Focused on Emotional Wellbeing

Address and remove emotional blockages stemming from past events. This package is perfect for individuals looking to overcome deep-seated emotional challenges and reclaim their inner peace.

8-Week Breakthrough Package

Comprehensive Transformation

Over eight sessions, we will identify your core values, remove emotional blockages and eliminate limiting beliefs. Together, we will transform self-sabotage into life force. Set a course for your success with result coaching.


6-Month Transformation Package

Extended Support and Mentoring

This intensive program includes 8 weeks of breakthrough coaching plus an additional 4 months of support. You’ll receive coaching a fortnight and unlimited email or WhatsApp support, ensuring sustained progress and deep, lasting change.

All coaching sessions are performed in 60- until 90-min phone call.

Why Choose Sunita Results Coaching?

As an international certified Result Coach, I am dedicated to your growth and success. My techniques and approaches are designed not just to address the symptoms, but to provide lasting changes that empower you to live your best life.

Results Breakthrough Program

A Holistic Approach to Success
My flagship program encapsulates the essence of what we offer:

    • Information Gathering and Goal Setting
    • Discovering Your Life Purpose
    • Values Elicitation
    • Ideal Life Script Creation
    • Identification and Removal of Major Negative Emotions and Beliefs
    • Development of Your Personal Success Strategy
    • Intention Setting and Emotional State Control
    • Alignment of Goals, Mission, and Vision
    • Continuous Mentoring and Support

Ready to Start Your Journey?

Every journey begins with a single step. Take yours by booking a free 45-minute strategy session today.

Results Coaching Community Commitment

A portion of our fees is allocated to a foundation dedicated to supporting young individuals facing significant challenges, including anxiety, trauma, and the risk of suicide. Our mission is to establish a safe haven that facilitates recovery from substance abuse, empowering these young people to find their purpose and the strength to embrace life.